Wind Strength and Wave Height Correlation Analysis

Data Source:
1. Wind data comes from ERA5 climate data from Climate Data Store The wind data in this project comes from the ‘ERA5 monthly averaged data on single levels from 1940 to present’ dataset, specifically the 10m u-component of wind and 10m v-component of wind.
The time period will be 2022 yearly data, and the area of interest will be Lake Erie. 2. Wave data comes from the final dataframe of the wave visualization page.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import xarray as xr
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import holoviews as hv
import hvplot.pandas
# Load bokeh
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

Step 1: Read the .nc file downloaded from the ERA5 website and change it to a dataframe

Need to use xarry to read netCDF file

windnc = xr.open_dataset('./data/') 
winddf = windnc.to_dataframe().reset_index()

The raw data looks like this

longitude latitude time u10 v10
0 -80.0 43.400002 2022-01-01 1.490095 -0.002929
1 -80.0 43.400002 2022-02-01 1.628315 0.594098
2 -80.0 43.400002 2022-03-01 1.543347 -0.034178
3 -80.0 43.400002 2022-04-01 1.104076 0.152090
4 -80.0 43.400002 2022-05-01 -0.122249 0.055608
longitude           float64
latitude            float64
time         datetime64[ns]
u10                 float32
v10                 float32
dtype: object

Step 2: Calculate wind strength and change to geodataframe

The wind strength is based on calculation of wind u and wind v

winddf['wind_strength'] = np.sqrt(winddf['u10']**2 + winddf['v10']**2)

Currently the data is arranged by days, but we need month value. Manipulate the dataframe to get the month column

winddf["month_int"] = winddf["time"].dt.month
wind_month = winddf.groupby(["month_int", "longitude", "latitude"])[["wind_strength"]].mean().reset_index()

Use the latitude and longitude column to get a geodataframe of wind data

wind_month["geometry"] = gpd.points_from_xy(
   wind_month["longitude"], wind_month["latitude"]
wind_month_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    wind_month, geometry="geometry", crs="EPSG:4326"

The geodataframe looks like this

month_int longitude latitude wind_strength geometry
0 1 -80.0 42.000000 1.075989 POINT (-80.00000 42.00000)
1 1 -80.0 42.099998 1.489239 POINT (-80.00000 42.10000)
2 1 -80.0 42.200001 1.999220 POINT (-80.00000 42.20000)
3 1 -80.0 42.299999 2.441840 POINT (-80.00000 42.30000)
4 1 -80.0 42.400002 2.715811 POINT (-80.00000 42.40000)

Have a look at the location of each wind data’s point

                 tiles="CartoDB positron")
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Step 3: Read the wave dataframe that is cleaned in the wave data visualization page

wave = pd.read_csv("./data/wave2022.csv")
time latitude longitude waveHs datetime month_int month day_int station
0 2022-01-01 00:00:00 42.32 -79.88 0.132812 2022-01-01 00:00:00 1 Jan 1 ST92023
1 2022-01-01 01:00:00 42.32 -79.88 0.140625 2022-01-01 01:00:00 1 Jan 1 ST92023
2 2022-01-01 02:00:00 42.32 -79.88 0.140625 2022-01-01 02:00:00 1 Jan 1 ST92023
3 2022-01-01 03:00:00 42.32 -79.88 0.140625 2022-01-01 03:00:00 1 Jan 1 ST92023
4 2022-01-01 04:00:00 42.32 -79.88 0.132812 2022-01-01 04:00:00 1 Jan 1 ST92023

This data is arranged by hours, need to group into months as well

wave_month = wave.groupby(["month_int", "station", "longitude", "latitude"])[["waveHs"]].mean().reset_index()

Change to a geodataframe

wave_month["geometry"] = gpd.points_from_xy(
   wave_month["longitude"], wave_month["latitude"]
wave_month_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
    wave_month, geometry="geometry", crs="EPSG:4326"

The final wave height geodataframe looks like this

month_int station longitude latitude waveHs geometry
0 1 ST92001 -79.04 42.76 1.102995 POINT (-79.04000 42.76000)
1 1 ST92002 -79.08 42.76 1.166224 POINT (-79.08000 42.76000)
2 1 ST92003 -79.12 42.72 1.220169 POINT (-79.12000 42.72000)
3 1 ST92004 -79.16 42.68 1.260833 POINT (-79.16000 42.68000)
4 1 ST92005 -79.20 42.64 1.242513 POINT (-79.20000 42.64000)

Step 4: Match wave and wind data

Firstly, the wind data need to form a “container” that can be used to capture wave data near each point. Here each wind point will form a 8km buffer

Note: Need to change to crs 3857 to make the buffer

buffered_wind_month_gdf = wind_month_gdf.copy().to_crs(epsg=3857)
buffered_wind_month_gdf["geometry"] = buffered_wind_month_gdf.buffer(8e3)

Have a look at the buffer location. It covers all the area

                 tiles="CartoDB positron")
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Change back to 4326 to make it the same as the crs for wave data

buffer4326 = buffered_wind_month_gdf.to_crs(epsg=4326)

Because the point location is the same for different months, we need to seperatly do the sjoin for each month and then combine the results

A function can be helpful to handle these sjoins

def sjoin_different_month(wave, wind):
    """Do the sjoin between wave and wind for each month"""
    joined = gpd.sjoin(wave, wind, predicate="within", how="right")
    return joined
join_list = []
for i in range(12):
    month = i+1
    wave = wave_month_gdf.loc[wave_month_gdf['month_int']==month]
    wind = buffer4326.loc[buffer4326['month_int']==month]
    joined = sjoin_different_month(wave, wind)

Combine the list into one dataframe

sjoin_all = pd.concat(join_list)

Step 5: Regression models

When there is no overlap, the station column will not have data. We will use all the rows with station value to form a machine learning model to analyze the relationship between wind strength and wave height

Firstly, select all the rows with wave data to form the base for machine learning

model_set = sjoin_all[sjoin_all['station'].notna()]
index_left month_int_left station longitude_left latitude_left waveHs month_int_right longitude_right latitude_right wind_strength geometry
18 22.0 1.0 ST92023 -79.88 42.32 1.310742 1 -79.900002 42.299999 2.197481 POLYGON ((-79.82814 42.30000, -79.82848 42.294...
18 21.0 1.0 ST92022 -79.84 42.32 1.283843 1 -79.900002 42.299999 2.197481 POLYGON ((-79.82814 42.30000, -79.82848 42.294...
33 21.0 1.0 ST92022 -79.84 42.32 1.283843 1 -79.800003 42.299999 1.935837 POLYGON ((-79.72814 42.30000, -79.72848 42.294...
33 20.0 1.0 ST92021 -79.80 42.32 1.310535 1 -79.800003 42.299999 1.935837 POLYGON ((-79.72814 42.30000, -79.72848 42.294...
34 19.0 1.0 ST92020 -79.76 42.36 1.318989 1 -79.800003 42.400002 2.548905 POLYGON ((-79.72814 42.40000, -79.72848 42.394...

Before building the regression model, we can first visualize the relationship between wind strength and wave height through a scatter plot

    title='Relationship between Wind Strength and Wave Height',
    xlabel="Wind Strength (m/s)",
    ylabel="Wave Height (m)"

Observation: It’s a roughly linear relationship, so we can start with a linear model

Firstly, the whole dataset will be seperated into train and test sets

# use a 70/30% split
train_set, test_set = train_test_split(model_set, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)

These are new DataFrame objects, with lengths determined by the split percentage:

print("size of full dataset = ", len(model_set))
print("size of training dataset = ", len(train_set))
print("size of test dataset = ", len(test_set))
size of full dataset =  356
size of training dataset =  249
size of test dataset =  107

Part 1: Linear model

model = LinearRegression()

# Features
X_train = train_set['wind_strength'].values
X_train = X_train[:, np.newaxis]

X_test = test_set['wind_strength'].values
X_test = X_test[:, np.newaxis]

# Labels
y_train = train_set['waveHs'].values
y_test = test_set['waveHs'].values

Scale the wind strength values

scaler = StandardScaler()
# Scale the training features
X_train_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_train)

# Scale the test features
X_test_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X_test)

Fit on the training set and evaluate on the test set, y_train)
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model.score(X_test_scaled, y_test)

Note: A model with R-squared coefficient of 0.357 means only 35.7% of the variation in the dataset can be explained by the model, which is pretty bad

Visualize linear prediction

# The values we want to predict (ranging from our min to max wind strength)
wh_pred = np.linspace(1.026, 4.651, 100)

# Sklearn needs the second axis!
X_pred = wh_pred[:, np.newaxis]

y_pred = model.predict(X_pred)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

    # Plot the predicted values
    ax.plot(X_pred, y_pred, label="Predicted values", color="#E07069")

    # Training data
        label="Training data",

    ax.set_xlabel("Wind Strength (m/s)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Wave Height (m)")

The linear model will significantly overpredict the wave height.

Part 2: Non-linear model

Since the linear model does not work will, we can try to add new polynomial features from the wind strength data. Besides, we will turn our preprocessing steps into a Pipeline object to make multiple transformations easier

Note: After multiple testings, the degree 2 model is the best, so the following steps will use a degree value of 2

poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=2)
# Training
X_train_scaled_poly = poly.fit_transform(scaler.fit_transform(X_train))

# Test
X_test_scaled_poly = poly.fit_transform(scaler.fit_transform(X_test)), y_train)
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model.score(X_test_scaled_poly, y_test)

Apply the pipeline to predict the wave height in the test set

pipe = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), PolynomialFeatures(degree=2))

Pipeline(steps=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler()),
                ('polynomialfeatures', PolynomialFeatures())])
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y_pred = model.predict(pipe.fit_transform(X_pred))

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))

    # Plot the predicted values
    y_pred = model.predict(pipe.fit_transform(X_pred))
    ax.plot(X_pred, y_pred, label="Predicted values", color="#E07069")

    # Training data
        label="Training data",

    ax.set_xlabel("Wind Strength (m/s)")
    ax.set_ylabel("Wave Height (m)")

Although the non-linear model is slightly better than the linear one, it is still very bad. It is not in a good condition to predict the wave height by using wind strength

Conclusion: The wave height is a result of multiple factors. It is true that usually when wind strength increase, wave height will increase, this relationship doesn’t have a strong regression relationship. More factors are needed to predict the wave height. Besides, the inputting data is not detailed enough to capture the real condition along the shoreline. Finer data may also possibly improve the model.