Dual degree candidate in Master of Landscape Architecture and Master of City Planning
MCP Concentration: Smart Cities
Philadelphia, PA
2022.08 - Present
Bachelor of Science, Molecular Environmental Biology
High distinction in General Scholarship
Berkeley, CA
2018.08 - 2022.05
Bachelor of Arts, Landscape Architecture
Highest Honor of Undergraduate Honors
Berkeley, CA
2019.08 - 2022.05
Research Assistant | Supervisor(PI): Sean Burkholder
Develop a web-based geospatial classification methodology and typological design guidelines for coastal work along the Lake Erie shore of New York State
Independent web development, customized landcover classification, GIS analysis, quantitative modeling, mapping, and data visualization
Philadelphia, PA
2023.09 - Present
Landscape Architecture Intern | Boston Office
Large-scale ADA accessibility planning, topology analysis, site grading
Parametric 3D modeling, view rendering, report preparation, community engagement
Involved in Projects:
Award: ASLA 2024 Honor Award in Analysis & Planning, Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Jury's Choice Award
Award: Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Honorable Mention Award
Boston, MA
2023.06 - 2023.8
Intern Landscape Designer | Los Angeles Office
Early stage site analysis and research, schematic design, and data analysis
DD phase construction drawing, grading, and 3D modeling
Los Angeles, CA
2022.05 - 2022.7
Graphic Pruduction Team | Editor in Chief: Karen M'Closkey
Philadelphia, PA
2024.01 - Present
Teaching Assistant | Instructor: Mjumbe Poe
Philadelphia, PA
2024.09 - Present
Teaching Assistant | Instructor: Keith VanDerSys
Philadelphia, PA
2024.01 - 2024.05
Research Assistant | Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program
Conduct research on the evolutionary relationship among raptor species through landmark annotation of geometric morphometrics of raptors' skull specimens
Berkeley, CA
2019.09 - 2020.07
Conference paper | Second Author
Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, Sustainable Transportation, Smart City.
Columbus, OH
Summer 2024
Geospatial Dashboard | Individual Work
Develop an online dashboard tool to assist individuals in assessing the lead levels in Philadelphia's green spaces.
Philadelphia, PA
Spring 2024
Data Visualization | Group Work
Research on Delaware River local fishing practices & how they've changed over time.
Philadelphia, PA
Spring 2023
$50,000 per year
2024 Best Dynamic Map
2018 - 2022
2019 - 2022
Fall 2018 - Spring 2022
English (fluent) | Mandarin (native) | Cantonese (medium) | Japanese (basic)
Python | JavaScript | CSS | HTML | R | SQL
Git | Node.js | Vue.js | Mapbox | Deck.gl | D3 | Google Cloud Platform | Carto
Rhino | AutoCAD | ArcGIS | pgAdmin | Photoshop | Illustrator | Indesign | Grasshopper | SLAMM | Aquaveo | Figma | VRay | Sketchup | Twinmotion | Blender
3D printing | Laser cut | CNC | Wood shop | CT scan | Watercolor | Charcoal
Painting | Chinese Calligraphy | Theatre | Piano | Ukulele | Reading
Japan | Singapore | Iceland | Sweden | Denmark | Austria | France | Germany | Switzerland | Liechtenstein | Australia | Kenya | Maldives | Saipan