About Junyi Yang



Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


University of Pennsylvania

Weitzman School of Design

Dual degree candidate in Master of Landscape Architecture and Master of City Planning

MCP Concentration: Smart Cities

Philadelphia, PA

2022.08 - Present

University of California, Berkeley

Rausser College of Natural Resources

Bachelor of Science, Molecular Environmental Biology

High distinction in General Scholarship

Berkeley, CA

2018.08 - 2022.05

College of Environmental Design

Bachelor of Arts, Landscape Architecture

Highest Honor of Undergraduate Honors

Berkeley, CA

2019.08 - 2022.05


The Ian L. McHarg Center, Environmental Modeling Lab (EMLab)

Research Assistant | Supervisor(PI): Sean Burkholder

  • Develop a web-based geospatial classification methodology and typological design guidelines for coastal work along the Lake Erie shore of New York State

  • Independent web development, customized landcover classification, GIS analysis, quantitative modeling, mapping, and data visualization

Philadelphia, PA

2023.09 - Present

Boston, MA

2023.06 - 2023.8

The SWA Group

Intern Landscape Designer | Los Angeles Office

  • Early stage site analysis and research, schematic design, and data analysis

  • DD phase construction drawing, grading, and 3D modeling

Los Angeles, CA

2022.05 - 2022.7

LA+ Journal, LA+ SENSE

Graphic Pruduction Team | Editor in Chief: Karen M'Closkey

Philadelphia, PA

2024.01 - Present

MUSA 6110 Java Script Programming for Planners and Designers

Teaching Assistant | Instructor: Mjumbe Poe

Philadelphia, PA

2024.09 - Present

LARP 5420 Media II: Digital Media

Teaching Assistant | Instructor: Keith VanDerSys

Philadelphia, PA

2024.01 - 2024.05

UC Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology

Research Assistant | Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program

  • Conduct research on the evolutionary relationship among raptor species through landmark annotation of geometric morphometrics of raptors' skull specimens

Berkeley, CA

2019.09 - 2020.07


"Advancing Sustainable Urban Mobility: A GIS-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Equitable Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Deployment in Philadelphia" Climate Smart GIScience: 2024 CAGIS+UCGIS Symposium

Conference paper | Second Author

Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, Sustainable Transportation, Smart City.

Columbus, OH

Summer 2024

"Industrial Legacies & Open Space: Lead Contamination Level of Philadelphia Green Spaces" Panaroma Vol. 32

Geospatial Dashboard | Individual Work

Develop an online dashboard tool to assist individuals in assessing the lead levels in Philadelphia's green spaces.

Philadelphia, PA

Spring 2024

"Delaware River Seasonal Cycles" Panaroma Vol. 31

Data Visualization | Group Work

Research on Delaware River local fishing practices & how they've changed over time.

Philadelphia, PA

Spring 2023


Weitzman School of Design Merit Scholarship

$50,000 per year

PA-DE ASLA Student Award | General Design Category

2024 Honor Award

North American Cartographic Information Society Mapping Competition | Dynamic Map Category

2024 Best Dynamic Map

World Landscape Architecture Student Awards | Conceptual Large Design Category

2023 Shortlisted

Dean's List | College of Natural Resources

2018 - 2022

Dean's List | College of Environmental Design

2019 - 2022

Honors to Date

Fall 2018 - Spring 2022



English (fluent) | Mandarin (native) | Cantonese (medium) | Japanese (basic)

Coding Languages

Python | JavaScript | CSS | HTML | R | SQL


Git | Node.js | Vue.js | Mapbox | Deck.gl | D3 | Google Cloud Platform | Carto


Rhino | AutoCAD | ArcGIS | pgAdmin | Photoshop | Illustrator | Indesign | Grasshopper | SLAMM | Aquaveo | Figma | VRay | Sketchup | Twinmotion | Blender


3D printing | Laser cut | CNC | Wood shop | CT scan | Watercolor | Charcoal



Painting | Chinese Calligraphy | Theatre | Piano | Ukulele | Reading

Travel Experiences

Japan | Singapore | Iceland | Sweden | Denmark | Austria | France | Germany | Switzerland | Liechtenstein | Australia | Kenya | Maldives | Saipan